Tuesday 5 November 2019

Before you Learn to Meditate – A Beginner’s Guide

Before you Learn to Meditate – A Beginner’s Guide
So, you have finally made up your mind to start meditating!

But, do you know how to begin?

People often ask, do I have to learn to meditate?

Certainly! You must get a hold of the basics of meditation to know how to feel and what to expect from it.

Sitting in Silence – A Strange Beginning

Meditation takes the body and mind into silence. So, the first step is to sit in silence, with the innermost feelings and thoughts, and do nothing. The mind resists because it is difficult to do nothing.
To a beginner, the early day of meditation could be daunting. But, nothing to worry. As you learn to meditate, things get easier. As meditation is a 3000-year-old practice, it is believed to have tremendous mental healing properties.

Why Learn to Meditate?

Maybe you would like to learn to meditate to feel less reactive, more focused, and less stressed.
Maybe you want to use it as a development plan.

Maybe you would like to improve your relationships with the people around you.

Regardless of the reason, training your mind through meditation is a way to train awareness. Together, it can fundamentally transform the perspective of your life.

As the human existence is experienced only through the mind, the perspective of life can alter dramatically once you start meditating.

Important Tips to Meditate Right

•  Choose the right place and time to meditate. Where you sit to meditate and when is crucial for a relatively undisturbed session. It takes both discipline as well as perseverance to make meditation a habit and practice regularly.

•  Wear comfortable clothes to feel relaxed as you meditate. Loosen your belt, tie, or scarf, or any tight-fitting garments and shoes.

•  You can either sit inside or outside, on the floor, a bench, a cushion, or a chair. Beginners usually prefer to sit upright on a chair, but the floor is far more relaxing. Keep your back straight, chin tucked in, and neck relaxed.

•  How long should you meditate? It depends on your life circumstances, time available, and your mindset. When you start out, try a 10-minute session of silence. As you graduate, make it 15 to 20 minutes. It is unlikely to happen overnight. So, give yourself some time and take each session at a time.

•  Why do you want to meditate? The reason or motivation should be clear. If you have a mere nebulous idea of doing it, without motivation, you may have to struggle to practice. However, if you are clear about the practice, it would help you feel calmer, less stressed, and more focused.
There’s a whole new gamut of experiences to explore as you learn to meditate.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Know Which Yoga Class is For You – A Beginner’s Guide

Know Which Yoga Class is For You – A Beginner’s Guide
It is not at all necessary to do a beginner’s course before you can take the giant leap to mainstream yoga. However, strengthening your basics will help achieve an enriching yoga experience, and also makes the practice more seamless and hassle-free. With professional beginner’s training, you not only learn to do the poses the correct way, your body starts to become flexible and gains more strength. This will helps you take the journey of practicing yoga with ease and convenience.

As a novice, choosing the type of yoga or from the yoga Brisbane Southside has avaialblemight be daunting and challenging.Here’s a quick guide for you to help decide what is the most suitable for you:

Yin Yoga – The Best Way to Get Started!

Not everyone likes to sweat it out when they start practicing yoga. For them, Yin Yoga is most suitable because it provides a more relaxing and gentle approach to get started with ease. Most Yin poses are done in a seated position.

If you have never done yoga before, it is not uncommon to feel nervous. “Will I be able to touch my toes?” “I do not have a yoga mat and I am not sure what to wear.” “Will others laugh on me if I am unable to do a posture?” All these thoughts will cloud your mind before you begin.

Yin Yoga will help you overcome the stress and just start! It is ideal to calm the mind, manage your stress, and gain more flexibility. The learning is delivered in small groups with detailed instructions and a personalised approach.

Vinyasa Basics

If you are a kind of person who quickly picks up things as they go, then Vinyasa Basics can be an ideal choice to start with yoga Brisbane Southside. It involves active classes with traditional postures in seated or standing form, and even sun salutation. The basic course is less rigorous and much slower, which helps you build alignment and get the cues on where you should gain more perfection.

Cultivate Calm Yoga is one of the best places for beginners to practice professional-level yet relaxing yoga Brisbane Southside. Join their daily yoga classes today.

Sunday 15 September 2019

Learn to Meditate – A Beginner’s Guide

Learn to Meditate – A Beginner’s Guide
Meditation is an art – a transformational approach that helps unveil the secrets to improve your state of mind, exhale stress and anxiety, and breathe in glory and mindfulness. It is a powerful and effective tool to rejuvenate from the woes & worries of life, and discover the path to happiness and contentment. To learn to meditate is like training your mind for better concentration and mindfulness, which are the two key ingredients that help build confidence, self-esteem, and focus.

To beginners, it might seem daunting sitting for hours to “empty” their minds. However, the basics are straightforward. Once you master the art of meditation, it will only be joy and loveliness everywhere. Here’s a quick guide on how to get started.

1.Start by Getting Comfortable

To begin practicing meditation, find a tranquil and quite place where you can focus better. Now pick a posture that you are comfortable with. Make sure you sit straight, focusing specifically on your back. Right posture is an integral element of meditation.The objective is to maintain body-and-mind alignment without being stiff. It is only when you relax that you can concentrate better.

2. Loosen Your Body…and Mind

Once you are comfortable in your posture, see how the body feels. Gently loosen it up, focusing on any tension you are experiencing at the moment. For the eyes, you can keep them closed when you begin with. Gradually, as you learn to meditate, practice keeping the eyes half open. This aids in improved attentiveness. Next, concentrate on what you are hearing…what your thoughts or feelings are sitting there…what’s flowing through the mind and body. 

3. Practice Breathing Techniques

When you start practicing breathing, let it be natural. As you mind gets composed over time, you can better control your breathing rhythm and pace. Do not worry if your mind wanders away when you focus on breathing. The art is to gain back your attention while controlling your breath.

Cultivate Calm Yoga is your trusted abode where you can learn to meditate amidst a tranquil environment, gaining experience from passionate practitioners. Join the beginner’s meditation classes and unravel the path to a peaceful mind and body.

Monday 5 August 2019

Experience Happiness and Wellbeing with Yoga

Experience Happiness and Wellbeing with Yoga
“We all want happiness, and yoga is the way for that much-needed happiness factor in life.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yoga isn’t just about good health or coping with your mental conditions; it takes you on a blissful journey of self-awareness and inner peace. Yoga is the world’s best secret to unfathomed happiness and wellbeing. Materialistic pleasures may come and go, but practicing yoga helps enhance mindfulness and the feeling of gratitude and compassion. And these connect you to greater happiness that is unmatched in this universe. Join expert coaching to master the best yoga in Brisbane.

Practice Flexibility...Be Happy

The physical aspect of yoga cannot be overlooked to pursue wellbeing and contentment in life. As you slowly stretch your body, you will experience the energy moving throughout. With every posture, you feel anxiety, stress and doubtfulness leaving your body, and you become more confident. As you gain more flexibility, it helps balance the connection between your body and the mind. As it hasbeen rightly said, “You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.” Flexibility through yoga not only helps control your body but your inner self too.

“Yoga is the Practice of Quieting the Mind”

Yoga is all about the right posture, controlled breathing, focused concentration and meditation. As you start practicing the art, you can release some of your inhibitions and restraints. Gradually, you start experiencing positive observances and self-awareness. Yoga asanas, breathing techniques and mindfulness meditation take you to the stage of sheer bliss and enlightenment. Though the journey is difficult to attain, the rewards are limitless. Yoga brings tranquillity and calmness within you that brings greater happiness.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep deprivation is one of the primary reasons behind all health problems...and lack of happiness in life. After all, when you are stressed out and staying awake night after night, how could you be happy! Yoga aids in better sleep by cutting down on your anxiety, stress and depression. Practice yoga every night before going to sleep and the next morning when you wake up, you are all happy and cheerful!

So to live a happy&healthy life, join the top classes to learn the best yoga in Brisbane.

Monday 8 July 2019

Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?

Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?The importance of good posture when practicing Brisbane yoga is undisputed. Swami Kriyananda very appropriately said, “Right posture is vitally important to the yogi.” Any yoga asana “...should be practiced for gaining steady posture, health and lightness of body.” It is one of the most vital elements of success in meditation and “the fruit of right poise is the strength to resist the shocks of infatuation or sorrow” – Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.
So, is your yoga posture right? Or does it need a little adjustment? Why this matters is because the secret to meditation is “sitting upright with a straight spine; feeling that your strength emanates from your spine rather than from the muscles of your body” – Swami Kriyananda. After years of practicing yoga, do you want to end up seeing yourself meditating with a bent spine? As Yogananda rightly said that “Abent spine is the enemy of self-realization,” practicing incorrect yoga posture will never help you attain enlightenment and wellbeing.

Let’s see what our Yoga gurus point out as right postures to express energy, vitality, and happiness:

•    Sit on a silk or woollen blanket facing the east
•    Your spine straight
•    The abdomen in
•    Your chest out
•    The chin should be positioned parallel to the ground
•    The shoulder blades should be placed together
•    The cup-shaped palms should rest upturned at the junction of your thighs and abdomen
•    Your eyes should be closed or half-closed; look up without the eyes crossed

Practicing Brisbane yoga in the correct posture will make your body feel light and relaxed, yet emitting energy and power. The centre of your body (the spine) ...see how glorious and healthy it feels! You would experience your inner strength and happiness emanating from your spine instead from the muscles of your body. Do it wrong and you will observe your “house of meditation” instantly crumbling!

Yoga asanas are an immense blessing when it comes to spinal awareness and improving back strength. “The majority of the yoga postures related in some way or another to the development of this spinal awareness, either by stretching and irrigating the spine, or by inducing a more centred consciousness.” So practice yoga regularly and integrate the postures in your daily lifestyle to get effective results.

Join Brisbane yoga today and know what the right posture is for you.

Monday 10 June 2019

Learn to Meditate for Stress-Free Life

Our fast-paced lives often leave behind a cluttered mind. It leads to stress, irritation and behavioural issues. Meditation is a great way to deal with such pressures. It is an ancient approach which trains the mind to be calm and focused. As a beginner, it might look a bit clichéd. After all, who sits still for hours? But, the reality is quite different. With regular practice, you will learn to meditate and often it becomes one of the most fulfilling aspects of your life.

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation offers physical as well as psychological benefits. Let’s find out some amazing benefits experienced by people.

Lowers Stress Levels: Regular practice reduces the release of a stress hormone, cortisol. As a result, feelings of anxiety, stress and nervousness is controlled to a large extent. It effectively lowers your stress and keeps your mind relaxed.
Great for heart health: Meditation lowers blood pressure. High blood pressure often exerts pressure on your heart. Through meditation you can keep the heart rate and blood pressure in check.
Makes you smarter: The brain is extremely benefitted with meditation. With increased blood flow to the brain, it improves memory, enhances self-control and increases attention span. Brain functions are hugely boosted with meditation.
Improves Mood: Good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin are released in our body during meditation. It improves our mood and keeps depression at bay.
Makes Life Meaningful: Meditation helps to create a sense of self-awareness which allows people to unlock greater meaning and purpose in life. As you feel less stress, your mind is activated to work better and it creates a sense of calm. But, you cannot press a button to enjoy all the goodness of meditation.

Your mind needs training first. Trying to learn meditation in Brisbane? Visit a Cultivate Calm Yoga studio and feel the difference.

Sunday 23 December 2018

Popular Yoga Classes in Australia

As the popularity of Yoga has increased around the world, so has the number of studios and gyms that offer yoga classes. Cultivate Calm Yoga offer a comprehensive timetable of classes both in the Beginner and the Advanced level. Yoga Classes are being conducted by certified experts who are highly experienced in the related field. They can offer the correct advice to the clients and the information proves to be highly beneficial for them.

Is Yoga only meant for weight loss?

There is no denial that Yoga is a very good for weight loss. Associating Yoga with only weight loss is not the right. It is a great practice for the people who want to achieve a complete balance of the mind and the body. There are several Yoga poses, breathing techniques, and meditation tips which can help to combat stress and manage joint pain too.

Can Yoga help in dealing with anxiety?

The answer is yes. Many Yoga poses can help to calm the nervous system and the message of calmness it sent to the brain this in turn reflects in our actions. There are also breathing techniques that are very helpful for combating anxiety. Cultivate Calm Yoga is one of the best Yoga Studios in Brisbane offering Yoga classes designed to help you deal with stress. Isolating one or two poses for dealing with stress is not the right answer.

What the popular types of Yoga?

Vinyasa Yoga a method of yoga in which vinyasa movements form a flowing sequence in coordination with the breath. The poses are sun salutations, balancing poses, breathing poses, meditation, and relaxation.
Yin Yoga is a restorative yoga useful to release stress and tension from the body and the mind. These poses are mostly floor poses that are held for longer periods of time.

Yoga classes are one of the best ways to learn the poses and master the art.