Monday 8 July 2019

Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?

Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?The importance of good posture when practicing Brisbane yoga is undisputed. Swami Kriyananda very appropriately said, “Right posture is vitally important to the yogi.” Any yoga asana “...should be practiced for gaining steady posture, health and lightness of body.” It is one of the most vital elements of success in meditation and “the fruit of right poise is the strength to resist the shocks of infatuation or sorrow” – Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.
So, is your yoga posture right? Or does it need a little adjustment? Why this matters is because the secret to meditation is “sitting upright with a straight spine; feeling that your strength emanates from your spine rather than from the muscles of your body” – Swami Kriyananda. After years of practicing yoga, do you want to end up seeing yourself meditating with a bent spine? As Yogananda rightly said that “Abent spine is the enemy of self-realization,” practicing incorrect yoga posture will never help you attain enlightenment and wellbeing.

Let’s see what our Yoga gurus point out as right postures to express energy, vitality, and happiness:

•    Sit on a silk or woollen blanket facing the east
•    Your spine straight
•    The abdomen in
•    Your chest out
•    The chin should be positioned parallel to the ground
•    The shoulder blades should be placed together
•    The cup-shaped palms should rest upturned at the junction of your thighs and abdomen
•    Your eyes should be closed or half-closed; look up without the eyes crossed

Practicing Brisbane yoga in the correct posture will make your body feel light and relaxed, yet emitting energy and power. The centre of your body (the spine) ...see how glorious and healthy it feels! You would experience your inner strength and happiness emanating from your spine instead from the muscles of your body. Do it wrong and you will observe your “house of meditation” instantly crumbling!

Yoga asanas are an immense blessing when it comes to spinal awareness and improving back strength. “The majority of the yoga postures related in some way or another to the development of this spinal awareness, either by stretching and irrigating the spine, or by inducing a more centred consciousness.” So practice yoga regularly and integrate the postures in your daily lifestyle to get effective results.

Join Brisbane yoga today and know what the right posture is for you.